Our back garden plan is up

Submitted by Wheezy on
Since we've got the scanner working we hought 1st thing we'd do was put up the plans for the back garden.
Large Garden File
Small Garden file but as much colour
So far I have cleared the walkway that leads from the ginel way by the conservatory to the path between the Gravelled sections. There will be flower pots which we haven't put on the plan as we're not yet sure on size or location, but have agreed no flowerbeds in the back, them & lawns will be confined to the front garden.
Feel free to have a look at the plan & let us know what you think. Feedback will be welcomed but we are aware that the pond is coloured in pink, oh & the smiley face is our Gargoyle fountain.

Complaints Procedure

Submitted by Falken on
  1. Decide you don't like something on our web site
  2. Demand the site be shut down
  3. Try not to be too upset when we refuse
Things are bad enough on the 'net with censorship, degenerating free resources and lack of cheap broadband access, without people trying to make us shut down the web site we set up so we could put up things we like without being censored or having to deal with some random request.

This has been a public information message, thank you for your time.

Family Trees are up

Submitted by Wheezy on
Taxonomy upgrade extras

Ok, the information I have got is on this site in .PDF format.
Ashton Family Tree
Dawson Family Tree
Eden Family Tree
Glenny Family Tree
Once the PDFs have loaded you will find an icon which looks like a magnifying glass. Click once left on that then anywhere on the screen, if you carry on clicking left on the screen the image will enlarge so you can read the names.
Go have a look, see if you can spot any mistakes, or if you know any more detail or dates or anything useful feel free to e-mail me.

Family Trees - Not the wooden type

Submitted by Wheezy on
Taxonomy upgrade extras

I've done as much as possible without further investigation. I must admit having only just started the Dawson & the Ashton tree they are lagging a few names & about 2 or 3 generations behind the Eden's & the Glenny's.

I will eventually - hopefully on Bank Holiday Monday place a link here to the family charts I have done already but you will need to be able to read Adobe Acrobat to read them.

If you need to download a copy the link is here, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page, wait for the download to complete & then view the charts.


Should you spot any errors or missing links, please do e-mail me. As I gain more information & update the charts I will be changing the charts linked to on here. Updates will be made.

New Garden plan for the back

Submitted by Wheezy on

Well, we've finally agreed on a new design for the back garden.... Included is the pond (& Gargoyle [sp]), a few less trees, paving, gravel & flower pots not beds.

Tom got his way with no grass & Rachael got her way with flowers still being included. We may even have created enough room for table & chairs in the suntrap of the middle of the space.

Once we get the scanner working we may - but no promises put the plans on the site.