Jarrelook @ Haslingdon

Submitted by Falken on
Things got off on the wrong foot when we got to the venue far to early, and it was shut. Fortunately a caring village fore father had placed a pub opposite, so we adjourned for beer or three while we waited to see who would turn up.
Thinking no-one had we left, to find the door open, and a decidedly calm looking TJ [Jarrelook] chatting at the ticket stand, while Duncan [jarreuk.com] was giving out prizes to some kids. Having obtained an excellent list of local take aways we promised to come back when the bar was open and left to do some exploring in the name of hunting and gathering some grub. And very nice the ribs from Ming's (not merciless !) were too.
We spotted Mark [?] of floppy disk eating camera fame so sat down with his pizza before aiming for the venue again.

Which still hadn't got it's bar open, so we went across the road again till they opened :-)

Plenty of nice people to chat too before heading up to the hall itself. The hall seemed smaller than Preston, but a patchy crowd in the lower seats left it a bit too empty - as was unfortunately shown by very lack lustre applause during the first half. Or so I was told anyway - with an enthusiastic partner on one side and Lindsay [Jarrelook] helping her bandmates out on the other it felt like a real Jarre concert !

Anyway you really want to know about the music right ? I'd never heard Jarrelook with just two people before so this may not be gospel, but they *rocked* - especially in the 2nd half when the crowd seemed to wake up (maybe it was Martin's [Jarrelook] manic AX-1 acrobatics !). Did I mention the new track ? That's right - Jarrelook now do Revolution and my god did it rock very much indeed ! Even more after we all got them to play it again at the end after Rendez Vous IV :-) And I couldn't write a review with out picking out a few other highlights:

  • Band In The Rain fire wall. Oh yes - it worked ! Perfectly ! At the right time !
  • TJ's shiny top and arm bands - don't know if the pic's will show this up, but the lights really caught the metal, and flung beams of reflected color back out over the stage.
  • Oxygene IV snow - melted too quick for snow balls though

Well recomended - more ! More !

Update April 11: JarreUK has Duncan's photo's up

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 8 Apr 2002 - 19:47


what a great night.i to got there too early but having my 8 yr old son with me i couldnt go to the pub so the local co-op is where we headed for our food and drink.where you the two on the front row with the BLONDE t-shirt on.i was on row four behind mark(sony disk eating camera)with my son.i was good to see the same faces as preston.hope there is another one soon. andrew and sam ZAMO-SKEM

Submitted by Falken on Tue, 9 Apr 2002 - 09:33

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


I think Rachael was wearing that T-Shirt, I was in a Babylon 5 one (big blue five). About five in from the left, front row.

I was wearing the "Blonde" T-Shirt.... thought it might help people remember me, not that it suits or anything :-)