The Back Garden

Submitted by Wheezy on
It's getting there....
Stage 1 - completed, The trees are down.
Thanks Dad for all your help. The saw was really useful! :-)
Stage 2 - Partially completed, Trees cut up. Big branches & trunks cut to size fot Tom's Parents Open Fire. The smaller bits cut into manageable sizes & we need to call the council on Monday to arrange collection.
Stage3 - Not started, Getting quotes on the new conservatory, confirming we can have the size and style that we want then getting quotes so we know how much we need to save. Then mark out (with string & nails, not candles again) the actual plan for the back garden so we can see how it all fits together.
Stage 4 - Not started, Whilst we (or builders)are ripping everything up to build the new conservatory we can also start killing the grass, digging out the pond and buying Paving stones & coloured gravel etc
Stage 5 - Not Started, finishing everything off paving slabs put in place, gravel with (possibly) it's walls and clearing the weeds from the guinnell way.

Stopping smoking

Submitted by Wheezy on
Yes, you may dish & switch off but it worked for Tom & My Friend "Loz"

His report can be found at: He introduced me to Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". Yeah right I though, it's never easy to stop, then I saw him after he'd finished it. He didn't have a single fag (used to be 20 a day) when I saw him. It did make me think.

Eventually I thought what had I to lose & went to & ordered his book, in total including postage etc

Once upon a time...

Submitted by Falken on
... I used to wake up facing these walls !

The 3rd photo shows the artist of the painting - Becca Collett, who I've lost touch with... if you're reading this Becca - email me !

I found these lying around, and it made me think about what has changed, and what has stayed the same. My computer and TV now look cleaner, but the 1st wall still sumerises my intrests well :-)

Jarre feature on 'How Do they Do that ?', 1996

Submitted by Falken on
Taxonomy upgrade extras
The show How Do They Do That is hosted by two idiots, Jenny something and Eamonn Holmes. What's more embarrassing is that Holmes actually was educated at the school I attend now. Anyway, here's the interview, 99.9% word for word off the original broadcast I have. Note sometimes there are inaccuracies on the part of the presenters, but I've left them in. Also the are some grammatical errors in Jarre's English that I've left in too. I've kept most of his hesitations!!! :)

Thanks to Brendan Heading

(This content previously on my old site)

Everybody's free to drink Brown Ale

Submitted by Falken on
In our continuing series 'Look What I Found in an Old .ZIP', I present 'Tom 2's seminal work, to the tune of popular late '90's tune, Everbody's Free to Wear Sunsceen.
Get your advice here.
Then head over to the main Warped pages, or FONT, and recall the good old Days of Mike and plot their return on the unsuspecting current members :-)

Coo, no articles for days then two at once. You lucky people.