When is a computer not a computer ?

Submitted by Falken on
When it's a equiped with a device to make your computer, which is a device based on the principle that bits are infinitely reproducible, work like a cassette tape made of atoms which are not reproducible.

Under the guise of 'preserving America's intellectual capital' and supported by the funding of the entertainment industry cartels, the US is seeking to sustain the entertainment industry's Industrial Age business model (and monopolies) in the modern Information Age - where such models are rendered obsolete by emerging technology. By doing so, the elected puppets of Hollywood will continue earning campaign contributions and ensure their job security.

And, like the lap dogs our government is, we'll get the same law over here (or, at least, people will be extridated without evidence or trial )[1].
Update 2 May :Look - an EU version !

Still not 100%

Submitted by Wheezy on
Both myself & Tom have been ill this week.... Mainly just shattered but I think we may have been sharing a bug, and the migraine (sp)I had today didn't help.

On another note work is still really busy but at least it's keeping me out of trouble.

Recent down time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Stupid zlib. Bad kernel. Silly rpm.

You don't have to understand, except we're back after last night now.
And I'd like to say sorry to Rachael for being up till midnight doing it.

New colors and other tweaks

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
New theme is gliding into place now.
Sorry for the green last week, I was rather too ill to untweak it.

Just have the page header and backgrounds to finish off, then another look at the layout.
Updated March 6 by Falken: Oh yes, and we'll be moving to a .info at some point too.


Submitted by Falken on
Falken writes "seems ages ago, and we wont have The Three back together till December at this rate, but you can find some pics here"