Jarrelook at Prestion Guildhall II

Submitted by Falken on
Taxonomy upgrade extras
I can't wait, so this will be replaced with a full review, pics and video in a few days, but in the meantime, for those of you not going (Tim!), check out what you'll miss (thanks to JarreUK).

Update 6 July: Sorry, still no time to do a proper review, there are raw video and pictures in the gallery though.

Feel free to make copies or reuse them, but if you do so give us a credit.

School Reunion

Submitted by Falken on
Filipe and Matt writes "Hi Thomas I found out from Paul Hines that there is going to be an East Bergholt High School class of '94 reunion at the Red Lion at 8pm, Sat 12th June '04. The pub is in East Bergholt. Do you want to come? It would be good to catch up after all these years. I notice from your website that you're married. Congratulations! I'm getting married next year. I would write more but I'm not absolutely sure this website is your's. Send me an email, mate. Filipe"

We've bought a house !

Submitted by Wheezy on
Porch, sitting room with beams, huge kitchen, dining room and music room downstairs.
Four beds upstairs, bathroom and loft with lights and floor.
It's in Street - sizes etc to follow Monday as off to celibrate !

Falken adds "OK, so it's Tuesday, but the sizes and other bits are below - just press 'Read More' to see them ".