of Endless Mural fame. Is a visual framework for as3 development so you can play around with ideas.
Enables you to maintain state of flow.
Make lots of little rewards lick tearing up little task cards- amusing disc on how drugs work.
Tatics sit betwen high level plan and low level howto. Is all that seperates a newer program from an older one. Hype embodies some of these tatics which also useful in general
no events, only callbacks. That and linked lists, delib basic but fast. ObjectSet has fileter/foreach like array but much faster. ObjectPool manages recycling of Objects, hides ObjectSet. .request(callbackfunc) calls the func when available.
SimpleRhythm() abstracts Timer, enterFrame etc.
Build better bricks using Behavior that manage change over time and are reusable. Based on Rhythm.
Black boxing modules has most cost early on, when you need to get at guts all the time and see how it goes together.
LargeCanvas allows any size (Bitmap)Canvas. BmCan is a rhythm that draws every so often, acts like Filter
high resoluton out put for print, 300dpi 5ft by 3ft !
Tools don't matter, rewrote hype into JS for MS endless mural, reminded him is interaction developer. Built okapi.js to wrap html5 canvas.

of apparat and audiotool fame. Change to scala, 30k java lines to 20k, but has 3x features. But thats not the core of the talk.
Compression, analysis, optimise. SWF
800k swf w/flex framework + app to 500k.
Get 10pc pref. Boost by code opt. 100pc by change algo.
Wireworld cellua automator gens prime numbers using Flash's Alchemy for speed
able to put ABC right in as files. Can do some tricks if after last 10pc inline macro and assembler expansion.
Uml generation from .swf and control flow graph
code coverage of unit tests html output with syntax highlight.
Coming soon to fdt !
Also working on foss obfuscator.
09 had java to swf bytecode conv. '10 had jitb - flash running in jvm at java speed and access to java classes. Now thats geeky
this player is 10x faster than adobe's
so can call java's opengl for gfx !
And it's foss.
Pixelbender to opengl shader lang. In jvm flashplayer
added real opengl shader loading / and file watcher so can use to preview in real time
real time ray tracer in shadder lang ! Runs on gfx cores
for pure pixelbender shaders. 20k lines input runs real time terran gen., In adobe flash post setup takes more than real time !

Trust communication honesty:pick two
workflow is not your tools
people dont hold up workflows by not goimg fast enough; something else is holding them up.
time, quality, cost (pick two) isnt binary, params can be tuned with more levels of trade off.
Projects function of economy, teams func of society.
Something out of trust, comm, honesty gets lost all the time, and the others have to make up.
'No out of thw book solutionn for crappy people and crappy relationships'
in temas, like being in relationship. Initial see others as constants, and so they need to change. 'Its not you its me'. And of course everyone is really in flux, office is an ecosystem, swamp or mountin top rather than factory.
Most audience dont care what answer to 'how are you' is.
Becuase none wants to have that awkward conv, the change ripples out for a log time.
'Trust your team to do their best and they will'.
'Enable self org, but know when to intervene'. Know your team enough to understand when they have a car crash
'even if you think you are on the same page there is a good chnace you are not'
'talk, but avoid meetings' and higest fidility is 1 on 1
'take responiabilty but not the blame'. Step up and fix it but don't forget this is your fun job.
'It doesnt matter whos in charge. Take time to call out good work' basic humen reflex to want to do again
hardest but most important 'show love'
important to have good tools, but dont use as excuse not to do diffacult Stuff becuase its difficult and shows you are a person

managing a monster flash project
of moshi monsters fame. 30mil users 150 countries. 3rd eur (1 in 3 of uk kids have one) 3rd usa. 3rd rest. 3k resp to a blog post, 45k if compation. 1mil virtual purchases a day New monster every second. tamagothci crossed with facebook. Earn in game currency for clothes etc by doing edugames.
34 staff ! Use FDT ! 3k .swfs, 20k images.
Doing feature to storyies agile like up front design, then a 2w sprint followed by review. Daily standup meeting 1st thing.
timelapse video of their kanban task wall.
Ant, svn, hudson. Full local deploys incl DB, daily integration, freq. Live feature release.
With sub apps, save a 3rd on file size using link reprts and exclude classes features of mxmlc
take time to fix bugs correctly now- you wont get time in future to go back.
Have test harness for sub apps so each can be tested without going via main app. Much quicker. Mock service calls with xml file.
Everyone tests the staging site - designer / management too

last session name here
who did the titles and MS office 2010 boxes. Which were awesome black and white metals and magnets.
Half way through a bit frustrated because he's still gawping over his own past work, having said he'd show us the background several times and then not done so.
Finally we see some and its allright but then we're back to his title seq for the conference, which was kinda interesting but by this time there wasnt enough time to go through it all :-(

evening session name
from manchester
right off fun and engaging
shows us a ton of ace formula like
talk- action = shit
'in my carear progress is defined by the size of the rectangle i work in'
people like norman macclaren 70 years ago was hand painting sound tracks to simple cell anim, just like flash - change your approach as often as your software
he built a great MS surface geographic explorer for the manchester area, is in the visitor centre
'98pc of data viz on the web is shit and i'd like to see a visualisation of that :-)'
sugru.com physical hacking

pixel pool .com