Newton on Windows on Linux

Submitted by Falken on

If you want to know the gory details, please read 

You will need 

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Import the .ova file
  3. Connect the serial cable at both ends and turn on your Newton.
  4. Try to start the new Virtual Machine. 
    1. If it fails with an error about the serial connection, go to settings, serial ports, and disconnect the virtual cable, then try again
    2. Linux host users should probably use /dev/ttyUSB0 (the default)
    3. Windows/Mac users will need to select the correct port location for their cable. Examples are TBC
  5. You should be looking at the Windows 3.11 desktop.

From here on it, you can use Newton Connection Utilities to backup and transfer files, and the included WS_FTP program to copy files to and from the Virtual Machine. 

