Building ColdFusion services with ColdSpring and Reactor, part 0

Submitted by Falken on

I will shortly be starting a series of articles outlining one way of building a tiered service architecture, using two core ColdFusion technologies - ColdSpring and Reactor.

I'd welcome any thoughts people have in advance of the first post, which will explain what I mean by 'a tiered service architecture' as well as define several of the terms we will use going forward, such as 'manager' and of course 'service' :-)
The first post will also provide a brief overview of why we might want to build things this way and where we use the ColdSpring and Reactor projects as well as note their alternatives (such as LightWire and Transfer).

Later articles will include code fragments, but don't expect a framework to pop out at the end.

If you are using ColdFusion to provide the back end to AJAX or Flex applications, or to run web services, or just have a large complicated CFML application that needs taming, I hope you will find it interesting and helpful.

Next part
