
Scotch on the Rocks, day 2 (live)

Submitted by Falken on

Borre Wessel, Modularizing Flex, Cairngorm & Modules
adds complexity - do you have a good reason i.e. large, slow to start applicataion, is code easy to share cross project (i.e. a well written component)
main application (in applicationDomain hierarchy) needs to have ref to any class shared across module
rsl (non-framework) actualy make your app bigger, but are stored in the browser cache, so if your next app needs same one that will be faster to start


Scotch on the Rocks, day 1 (live)

Submitted by Falken on
Key note
Cf8 and beyond
Cf8 'doing very well' no more 8.releases
Cf open proc. Initive, open bugs, hurrah. More open to community, share control of new features etc. Built in frameworks, etc.
Claude englebert is emea cf adobe contact, one at last.
'cool' air/flex intergration, number 1 item is improved developer experince. Ide straw poll, eclipse massive win.
CF isnt just web apps anymore, your code hooks to Flex, AIR, PDF etc now.
Lcds bundeled with cf8, much easier then cf7 horror.

Deploying Railo on Tomcat 6 with Apache front end on Linux

Submitted by Falken on

Four easy steps to get the free Railo CFML engine up and running as a J2EE app and linked to a front end Apache.
We'll pretend your application lives in /parth/to/dir/above/web/root/webrootdir this is the DocumentRoot of your Apache and the root (default) context of Tomcat. 

1. Download Tomcat 6 from the nice folks at Apache and install it.
Configure a new Host entry in it's server.xml for your new Apache web root.


Building ColdFusion services with ColdSpring and Reactor, part 5

Submitted by Falken on
If you're already familiar with AOP, or you've just finished the interlude reading, you will understand the way we can use ColdSpring to create a 'remote proxy' (or 'remote facade') that can act as the Service layer for a Manager. You've also maybe thought that this also allows cross-cutting concerns of the Service layer such as object type conversion and security to be cleanly addressed in a reusable way. These remote proxies use ColdSpring's RemoteFactoryBean class.

Proof ColdFusion rocks

Submitted by Falken on

Adobe ColdFusion has been making a lot of people take a second look towards its direction lately, and it is with good reason. It's simply the best application server and software language for application coding especially with the way today's broadband technology are set up. 

I'm always saying how good ColdFusion is, and now we have proof that ColdFusion rocks.
Not that I'd ever party on a table, oh no... :-)


Adobe fixes ColdFusion CFC remoting security bug

Submitted by Falken on

If you have ColdFusion 8, with CFCs exposed for remote access, with methods marked 'access="remote"' you probably did not know that this also meant any methods marked 'access="public"' could also be invoked remotely.

The obvious security problems now have a fix in the form of hot fix 71471 and it's associated KB article #40332.

You should apply this as soon as you can if your ColdFusion objects are being used by a Flex client, for instance.


ColdFusion 8.0.1 Updater, 64bit Linux Gotcha

Submitted by Falken on

Although the download page for ColdFusion lists several different Linux versions (SLES 9 and 10, for instance) if you end up at the actual support matrix for ColdFusion then only a limited sub set of that list is actually supported for 64-bit native (SLES 10.1 only for instance, not 9, and not any other version of 10).

Adobe DevNet article about CFEclipse
Adobe's ColdFusion Developer Connection has a nice article on CFEclipse, saying "If you aren't using CFEclipse, it's definitely worth a look. This article will introduce and get you started with using Eclipse and the CFEclipse plug-in as an alternative IDE".